2018 Ted Janeway Memorial Regatta

The Janeway Regatta was successfully completed at Cold Spring Harbor Beach Club over the weekend of September 29-30. A16 Savvy, sailed by Guy Gurney, Peter Coleman and Dimitrije Blagic, won all three races, though second-placed Stephen Jay in A148 Alliance was a constant threat. George Lindsay was third in A73 Ranee.

Conditions were light both days, and the Race Committee elected to hold Sunday’s race up inside the harbor, as the light easterly was predicted to die out on Long Island Sound. It made for a fluky race with huge shifts in wind direction, the leaders finishing just as the wind petered out completely.

The fleet was small as apparently some others were turned off by the forecast. The weather was challenging but it was still a really fun event, and CSHBC did its usual great job of organizing, including fine RC work on the water, excellent Saturday night food, and as usual, free accommodation in members’ homes. Hard to beat.

Results are here.